罗宾·耶茨 poses in Maynard Math 和 科学 building

计算机科学 和 信息技术

计算机科学系 & IT at 365bet is one of the largest computer science departments in the state of Tennessee.

计算机科学 & IT is one of the fastest growing fields in the modern world.

At 365bet's 计算机科学系 和 信息技术, our experienced 教师 和 over 30 years of experience guarantee that you will be prepared for any computing 和我们的一个 本科学位研究生学位.

We welcome on-line, transfer, military-affiliated 和 second-degree students. 如果你 need more information, please contact our office, at 931-221-7840 or 电子邮件.

Full Time 教师, plus 15 Adjuncts & 30 +助教
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军事-Affiliated 本科 Students


The department’s mission is to provide leadership for the integration of technology into the curriculum, to provide students with current technological skills 和 knowledge, to develop collaborative skills, 和 to teach students to learn, enabling them to live productively in an ever-changing technological world.


Experiences extend past the classroom with 免费同伴辅导, Ranked-Up Esports 和我们的 ACM Chapter. Every semester brings many events 和 speakers that show how technology is used in the real world. 还有梅纳德数学 & 科学 Building 和 the Technology Building provide ample social space, study nooks, 和 all the power outlets students could ever need to ensure that they can keep connected 奥斯汀·皮伊.

See inside our experiences on our social media:


Great programmers have a passion for their work, 和 one of the best times to learn that passion is during grade school. We spread the technology we have through our 365bet初级程序员课程 和我们的 365bet编程营, getting kids invested in the computing world.



我 always had a love of computers, 和 after I began to research the degree offerings at Austin Peay, it just made me sure that this was the place I needed to be. 我 always wanted to know how computers work 和 be one of the guys behind making them work, 和 the degree I’ll receive at Austin Peay will definitely help me in the future.

Austin Peay gave me a new beginning, an opportunity. 我没有方向,没有头绪 我想做的事. Now I’m so excited 和 ready to rule the world with code. 我了.
(2019) Data Analysis 和 Management

One of the most important opportunities Austin Peay has provided me was the introduction 转向计算机科学. Before coming here I had no idea what I wanted to study, but I've found this field to be one I would enjoy 和 be happy with a career in.

I did my research 和 I chose Austin Peay because it combined the opportunities of a large university with the one-on-one education of a private school 和 now I feel like I have two homes: one in Kentucky 和 my other home here in Clarksville, Tennessee.
Meet 贝弗利斯特 - Class of 2017

B.S. 计算机科学 & 信息系统
计算机科学 Concentration, Mathematics Minor

"The computer science program 给s me a chance to learn different languages, programs 和应用程序. I look forward to pursuing a career as a software developer after 毕业."

Meet Mikayla Webber - Class of 2018

B.S. 计算机科学 & 信息系统
计算机科学 Concentration, 信息系统 Concentration

"We learn the skills to be public speakers, leaders 和 teammates, while learning the fundamental skills of a computer scientist."

认识一下Sam J. 班尼特——2015届毕业生

B.S. 计算机科学 & 信息系统
信息系统 Concentration, Mobile Software Technology Minor

"The classwork has helped me in many ways. The programming courses really help teach 解决问题的心态. There are also courses involving group work that offer good experience working with others on a software project."

Meet Broadbent蒂芙尼 - Class of 2015

B.S. 计算机科学 & 信息系统
互联网 & Web Technology Concentration, Graphic Design Minor

"The computer science 教师 at 365bet is phenomenal in the way they all truly want each 和 every student to succeed to their highest potential. 接受额外援助 for class assignments is never an issue, as the professors 和 tutors are always available 和 open to answer any questions I may have."