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Definitions for Purposes of this Policy

Return of Title IV 
第四章基金专指联邦财政援助基金. Title IV funds 是在假定学生会上学的情况下授予学生的吗 在提供援助的整个期间内. When a student withdraws, 学生可能不再有资格获得全额的第四章资金 student was originally scheduled to receive.  CFR  66.22(l)(4)

Modular Courses
不包括整个学期的课程,如:秋季部分 A部分和B部分,秋季I和II,春季A部分和B部分,冬季,春季I和 II, Summer I, II, III, and Maymester.

Federal Aid Programs
Direct Subsidized, Unsubsidized, and PLUS loans; Pell Grant, SEOG, TEACH Grant, Iraq Afghanistan Service Grant

State Aid Programs

Institutional Scholarships
Scholarships funded by University or private donor funds

Unofficial Withdrawal
如果教师报告学生停止上课(FA级)或从未上课(FA级) 一个学期内的所有课程(或者如果学生获得了所有FA, FN和 (成绩为W),该学生被认为是非正式退学. 非正式的退学可能会造成严重的经济后果,并影响学生的学业 eligibility for financial aid.

Official Withdrawal
正式退学的:正式从所有课程或大学退学的. Official withdrawals 可能会有重大的经济后果,并影响学生的资格 financial aid.

Pell Recalculation Date
由于多个学期内的人口普查日期,奥斯汀皮伊州立大学重新计算 佩尔和教学补助金每学期奖励两次,以确保所有学期的入学人数 included. 第一个计算包括整个365bet,A部分,和 Fort Campbell Campus Part I term enrollments. The second calculation accounts for Part B and Fort Campbell Campus Part II term enrollments. These dates are used to 确定一个学生有资格获得多少Pell和Teach. If a student is not enrolled 在Pell重新计算日期,他们没有资格获得Pell或Teach. However, if 学生在同一时期注册后续模块课程,他们 may be eligible after the next Pell Recalculation Date.

Institutional Refund Policy
标题IV的返还政策不规定机构退款政策 1:021, which is located on the 365bet Policies webpage.

General Information

学生可以获得助学金、贷款、奖学金和其他类型的经济援助 for the purpose of completing a degree. Students who receive federal, state, institutional 其他形式的经济援助可能会因未完成课程而受到处罚 in which they enroll. 

学生注册了课程,但后来没有完成全部或部分课程 当然,他们可能需要支付学费和其他费用 to pay back the aid awarded. 尝试和不完成课程都会影响学生的学业 毕业率,这反过来可能会影响到获得经济援助的资格. Review our Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy for more details.

Official and Unofficial Withdrawals

如果学生在人口普查日期或之前辍学,或者如果教师报告FA或 FN grades, aid may be adjusted. This adjustment may have a serious financial impact 这导致学生欠大学的钱.

如果学生获得联邦财政援助,他们必须完成至少60%的学期 or module to earn 100% of their aid. If a student officially or unofficially withdraws 在完成60%的学期或模块之前,365bet需要执行返回 of Title IV funds calculation. 这个计算决定了你是否需要上大学 归还:将部分或全部联邦援助归还给政府. Students may also 负责偿还所修课程的任何学杂费 attempted but not completed. Typically, a Return of Title IV funds will result in a billing and a balance owed to the university. 

如果有正式或非正式贷款的学生下降到一半以下 状态,365bet登记处办公室将通知票据交换所,票据交换所将 trigger the six month grace period for loan repayment. The student will also receive 365bet的通知,以完成所需的贷款退出咨询.

Modular Course Withdrawals

当学生注册的模块没有完成时,就会出现模块退出 the entire enrollment period. To potentially prevent a Return of Title IV billing, 学生可以向学生经济援助计划办公室提供确认 to attend a future course via the Notification of Enrollment Post Withdrawal form. 模块化课程的退学可能会给学生带来一笔可观的费用.

Post-Withdrawal Disbursements

学生收到的第四章资助少于自己挣到的钱,将获得一笔付款 for the amount of earned aid that was not received. Any post-withdrawal disbursement made must meet required conditions for late disbursement.

在处理第四章计算的回报时,包括任何赠款资金 not disbursed but could have been disbursed as “aid that could have been disbursed”. 已发起但未支付的贷款支出包括为 “aid that could have been disbursed”, given the student has a signed master promissory note.

Disbursement of Title IV Grant Funds
提款后的补助金将被记入学生的账户 允许本学期的费用或直接支付给学生,如果他们的余额 is zero. 学校允许将任何第四章的资助资金记入学生的贷款 account without the student’s permission. The school will post any credit applying 在学校做出决定后的180天内将费用转入学生账户 that the student withdrew. 如果学生没有当前允许的费用,则支付 必须不迟于学校确定该学生 withdrew.

Disbursement of Title IV Loan Funds
提款后的贷款将被记入学生的账户 允许本学期的费用或直接支付给学生或家长 Direct Parent PLUS Loan. Prior to making any disbursement, the student/parent must 在学校决定该学生是否被开除后的30天内收到书面通知 withdrew. The letter must identify the type and amount of the funds. If loan funds 是否可以,学校必须解释学生/家长有接受/拒绝的选择 all or part of the loan. 信中还必须告知学生/家长已经收到了回复 must be received within 14 days of the date of notice. If the school does not receive a response, no further disbursement is made. If the response is received in a timely manner, the funds must be disbursed within 180 days. Exceptions can be made at the 局长对14天后收到答复的酌处权. If the request is 逾期未答复者,学校将向学生/家长发出通知.


For full details and examples review our Withdrawal & Return of Title IV Funds.

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